Home Financing

You have a good credit rating, steady income, 20% down payment

We can get you the best deal on a home mortgage because we know how valuable you really are. So do lenders, and when they know that they have to compete for your business, they “sharpen their pencils” as the old saying goes. Pioneer West has relationships with about 100 banks, credit unions, trust companies, and other lenders. They know that when we send them your profile, we are essentially holding an auction for your business. The lender that comes in with the lowest rate and the best terms “wins.” The very best part is that this doesn’t cost you a dime! The winning lender pays us a fee for brokering the deal with you. If you have a good credit rating, steady income, and 20% or more to make a down payment, call us now and find out what “the best deal” really looks like.


You have good credit, steady income, but little or no down payment

The theory is that the less of your own money you have invested in a home, the more risk you present to the lender, which usually translates into paying a higher rate. Well, that may be true in some cases, but not all; and, what we’re really talking about here may only be a few dollars a month. We have ways! As your advocate with up to 100 different lenders, a Pioneer West expert can negotiate agreements to finance your down payment as well as your mortgage. So even if you don’t have enough money saved, chances are that we can still find a solution that will get you into the home you want. Call us now to find out what your options are.


You have no steady income and poor credit, but owe less on your mortgage than the value of your home

If the market value of your home is more than what you owe on your mortgage, the difference between the two amounts is referred to as “equity.” For example, if you could sell your home for $450,000 and owe $250,000 on the current mortgage, then you have $200,000 in equity in your home. The fact that you have already made a considerable investment in your home (i.e. the equity), is enough assurance for some lenders to offer you a mortgage loan, even if you don’t have a job or have not been able to keep up with bill payments. Our Pioneer West team members have access to lenders that you might otherwise never know about. We can also give you the opportunity to rebuild your credit with affordable monthly payments. Call one of our experts now to learn more.


You need cash and your current mortgage is less than the value of your home

If you have equity in your home, we have lenders willing to increase your mortgage amount in exchange for ready cash. For example, if your home is valued at $400,000 and your current mortgage loan is $150,000, you could get $100,000 in cash by increasing your mortgage loan to $250,000. This is a great way to free up money for renovations, special events, or even a long overdue vacation. By adding the equity loan to your mortgage, the payments are spread out over a longer time period, keeping the total monthly payment relatively low. Getting the cash you need now could be just a phone call away.

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BC: 604-987-1420 
AB: 1-888-822-0288


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